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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for June 2023



 On June 2nd Pluto retrogrades reactivating issues relating to the sign Capricorn; it’s fitting that we also celebrate Father’s Day this month, as Capricorn rules the concept of fatherhood.  Government, big business, money, leadership and power-oriented issues will be major concerns as will be things like responsibility and justice, both in our own lives and in the world.   A Grand Trine in the Water Signs at the beginning of the month makes for a somewhat turbulent and emotional time but also gives heightened intuition and strong empathy and concern for others.

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):
If you are a fire sign you can expect healing to be occurring through your own actions in some important area of your life.  If you’ve been experiencing financial problems or difficulties in your job, there will be an opportunity to address and fix the issue.  Likewise of there are...

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Astrological Psychic Predictions for May 2023



     We are living in exciting times!  I hope you are keeping your eclipse diary that started April 6th.  Continue to keep it through May 19th for a glimpse of your next 6 months, and probable help with some major decisions you’ll be making during that time.  Remember, too, that Pluto is currently showing us the changes it’s going to bring in over the next 20 years.  That look into the future ends June 2nd.  Pay attention!  This month is likely to be a very emotional one, stressing health, financial, work, and communication issues. A t-square in the mutable signs will encourage us to find new ways of dealing with old problems.  It’s time to walk away from the things we cannot fix.

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):

If you’re a fire sign expect that your focus will be on home and family issues through most of the month.  This can be a good...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for April 2023


Astrological and Psychic Predictions for April 2023:

April promises to be a very intense, emotional, and active month everyone! Pluto begins the month just seconds into its new sign Aquarius (the zodiac’s humanitarian) and there are 4 planets in Aries, (the sign of action and war).  On top of that, the solar eclipse on the 20th is at 30 Aries/0 Taurus. Saturn moved into Pisces last month, where it will spend the next 2-12 years causing us to either feel victimized, or to help those who are. It’s more important than ever to know who you are, what you want, and where you want to be right now, because that will be the best way to stay grounded with so much going on around you. 

Money and stuff can solve a lot of the problems you and everyone else is experiencing right now, but it’s likely to be in short supply this month.  Squabbles and even out and out wars, both personally and internationally could easily erupt.  We are going to need...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for March 2023



March looks like an action packed and somewhat stressful month for us all, folks. Conversations can easily erupt into verbal arguments and threats of violence that are, thank God, unlikely to come to fruition.  Everyone seems to be feeling vulnerable, and most of us are only looking at what we have to lose, when we should be looking at all the wonderful growth opportunities around us, especially in the areas of personal development and personal financial growth opportunities. Potentials for healing home, mother, and family issues are available to all this month.  We just have to work together.

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):

If you’re a Fire Sign person you may be feeling the need to travel, to move, and in all ways, to expand your horizons.  This will be a good month to sort out your finances, and you may be surprised about some nice windfalls coming your way.  If you choose to put your...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for February 2023



     February of 2023 is going to be a very interesting and important month. It will seem as if things in the world, and in your personal life, are moving forward more slowly than you would like them to.  You will be dealing with many restraints and responsibilities. Partnerships and alliances are newly forming or are being revisited.  Finances are likely going to be your primary concern throughout most of the month. 

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):
If you are a Fire Sign, you are going to be concerned with your financial situation, as well as with your work, talents, and career potential, all month long.  You may feel as if the weight of the world is on your own shoulders.  It will seem as if everyone is looking to you for guidance and direction.  What an awesome time to learn and use your leadership skills! Please have patience with your...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for January and 2023 Year Overview for All Signs


2023 promises to be an interesting year for us all.  In Numerology it is a number 7 year; that is the number of spiritual mastery.  It is the number that says, we have mastered our material and physical world, now we must master ourselves.  2023 will be that year where each of us, in our own way, gains greater awareness of our place in the world, of our own life direction, of the life we wish to live, and an understanding of what we need to do to get on or to enhance the life path we have chosen.

January this year in general will be a time of pulling back and of reassessing.  We’ll be looking at ourselves, our lives, our families, our friends, our work, goals and desires. We’ll even be re-evaluating our loyalties and our belief systems.  January will set the pace for the entire year regarding all of these things, so take note of what you discover within yourself.  Those truths will help and support you throughout the year.

Here’s what...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for December 2022



Welcome to December, 2022!  Firstly, I want to wish you a wonderful and joyous holiday season, whether you are celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, or any other special day of this glorious season.  This is my own very favorite time of year.  This year, December and the holiday season promise to be filled with the true spirit of Christmas, with six planets in Jupiter-ruled signs promoting the energy of giving, sharing, helping, serving, and loving. 

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):
It’s likely that a move of your home or job, or perhaps a trip for pleasure and/or to visit family or friends, is on your agenda this holiday season. You will benefit greatly from the changeup in the energy. You’re working hard to plan for the future, and expanding your efforts towards the dream you are focusing on. Obligations and responsibilities at home and at work conspire to hold you back.  This...

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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for November 2022

Here’s an overview of November, 2022 for everyone:
First off, I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, no matter where you are.  This is a wonderful time to express gratitude for all that we have been given, and hope for in the future.  We have come through an amazing time of change and transition; we are over the hump and now determining where we want our future to go.  This month universally we are all going to continue to be concerned with our finances, and how we are earning and supplementing our incomes.  Our attention will largely be on home and family issues, and bringing healing and wholeness to them. New untried solutions are in the works. Shifts in relationships are creating new possibilities for growth.  We are finding our place in a new world that has, and is, moving through constant change.  Great opportunities are available to us right now.  Remember to continue to keep your journal that you started on October 11th,...
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Astrological and Psychic Predictions for October 2022:



October promises to be a busy month filled with both opportunity and change.  We should all expect extreme emotions, both our own and other’s.  We will need to make a real effort towards communication and understanding.  Keep a journal starting on the 11th and continuing through to November 22nd.  It might be one of the most important things you’ve ever done, as that journal will give you a glimpse of what’s coming into your life in 2023.  Important changes are coming for you, and they are beginning now!

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):
If you are a Fire Sign this month you may be both more physically active and also more emotional than usual. You might be feeling trapped.  Changes and interactions with friends will be beneficial. Your urge to move or change jobs or to just plain change your life is becoming almost unbearable.  What are you going to do about it?


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September Astrological and Psychic Predictions


Astrological and Psychic Predictions for September 2022:

Expect September to be a dynamic, action-filled month, with a strong emphasis on health and healing, finances, and a lot of planning, discussing, and negotiation.

Here’s what’s happening for the Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius):
If you’re a Fire Sign you may find yourself travelling for fun or work, or both. Learning, either in a traditional or home-based setting, or in the ‘school of hard knocks’ is on your list this month too!  Expect a lot of social activities, and some powerful inner reflection concerning the friends and groups you are affiliated with, that you may be seeing big changes in.  Where and to whom you give is under strong scrutiny.

Here's what’s happening for the Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn):
You’re working with a lot of powerful energy and people this month, if you are an Earth Sign.  Astrologically speaking, a fixed grand...

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